Monday, February 25, 2013


Have you ever spent a whole day driving? Lying on the couch with a heavy-duty remote control? At the end of the day, you’re exhausted.
Action fuels thought. The world looks different as you sit in your living room. When you get off the couch and face the outside world, your questions — and your answers –seem new.
Action tests our readiness to change. Are you thinking of hiring a career consultant? Before you pick up the phone, take some small action on your own. Get a list of articles from the library or web. Make some phone calls.
Do something different. In a tape version of her recent book, Thunder and Lightning, Natalie Goldberg advises writers to overcome blocks by changing small elements of their lives. Take a different route when you walk home, she suggests; if you normally drive with your left hand on the steering wheel, try the right.
Some ideas:
Do something alone that you normally do with others: shopping, traveling, eating in a restaurant.
Do something with others that you normally do alone.
If you have a routine for evenings or weekends, make a change. In his book, How People Change, Allen Wheelis pointed out that changing yourself is pretty simple. If you want to stop being a thief, don’t steal. If you want to be a writer, write. Sounds simple — but it works.
Sometimes, if you are lucky, external events force you to change in a positive direction. Serendipity has moved from the woo-woo category to mainstream career research.
Can’t get moving?
If you are really, really stuck, but you can’t get yourself to take even one action step, pay attention. Sometimes you are at a point in your life when it’s time to do nothing, but inability to act may signal clinical depression or anxiety.
Do you want someone to share your thoughts as you try out different actions? Moving — but you’re not sure in which direction you want to end up? These questions suggest you can get help from a career or business coach.
Maybe you believe in New Year’s Resolutions, or maybe you prefer to take life as it comes. Regardless, I can promise your next twelve months will bring exciting new changes and opportunities…if you jump off that couch and begin taking action.
In Empower Network, We want you to take actions to change your life for the best while we will act as much as possible to help you achieved your goal in the fastest time!